We are the Danger Management Team, a group of students here in Oakland, California. We started our project as a way to solve important problems pertinent to our local area.
Sam O’Neil is the brains behind the operation of the brand. Nothing public happens without his approval. With a long history of research ability, passing AP Seminar with flying colors as well as being enrolled in AP Research, he has a history of conducting fair and balanced studies.. If you have any questions, please contact him at soneil@eastbayia.org
Erik barcena is the main art designer for the Oakland Danger Awareness Campaign. He is credited for creating the logo for this program. His recent works include the last supper, mona lisa, and the scream.
Zachary Mcvey is the lead designer for the Oakland Danger Awareness Campaign. He is in charge of designing the Smart Transportation Defender device. Zachary McVey has experience in CAD, graphic design, manufacturing, and 3d Printing. He has previously worked on design projects such as the development of the extraordinary extra power electric eraser, and multimedia campaigning such as the great trash can project of 2021.
Being the most powerful member in the group, Naylin Maung has been delegated the responsibility of taking care of conflicts surrounding the group as head of security, public relations, and arbitrator. He will do everything in his power to resolve any conflicts within or pertaining to the group. If they ever find themselves in a sticky situation or a perilous place, it will be his sole responsibility to save the team. He also has a very close connection with the topic of the group, as he has connections to residents of Durant Manor and personally knows a victim of catalytic converter theft.
As an accountant and materials manager, It is Vladimir Hoffman's job to make sure our project is within budget and maximizes its efficiency. Throughout our project he will make sure our materials are within budget and realistically viable on a large scale. He has previous experience with middle and cap stone in lower school EBIA. He also has experience with accounting as I am taking college course lessons for it and plan to be proficient in the skill. I am good at micromanaging which makes it easy for me to manage materials and keep track of how they’re being used and what they are being used for.