Us in the Danger Management Team have big plans for the Oakland Danger Awareness Campaign. All of us have grown up in Oakland and want to help solve important problems here. We hope that you can support us through our campaign.
We are dedicated to protecting the Oakland Hills, which are covered in the blue gum eucalyptus tree, and invasive species endemic to Australia. These trees displace native redwoods and cause a major fire risk. Currently, by campaigning, we are helping to spread awareness of this problem. In the future, we hope to partner with an organization which does controlled burns to remove these trees. We wish to combat the stigma around removing these trees and show people how harmful they actually are, as well as instill respect for our natural environment.
Catalytic converter theft is a growing problem here in the bay area. Our plan is twofold. First, we will directly address the issue with the development of the Smart Transportation Defender. The revolutionary design of this device will also help us to gain a following for our project. We want to make Oakland a safer place for catalytic converters.
The Danger Management Team believes strongly that poor architecture and design is just as much of a danger as any physical threat. Certain buildings in Oakland are so aesthetically unpleasant, that they have a measurable effect on the local environment. The Durant Manor neighborhood is home to a particularly bad example, which will go unnamed for the safety of its inhabitants. Needless to say we must campaign against this aesthetic injustice, and we hope to offset the harm caused by it’s presence through our wonderfully designed posters and flyers.